Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Korean dinner = Porkilicious! Yummy!!

Mom & Dad *i love you guys!!*

Soju *like*

A tose to Mother's Day!!

Me : Mom, give us ur kenyang look...
Mom : *pose*

The rebellious us XD

cupcakes by +wondermilk <3

Just look at their smile..

Showing their love =)

As you can see, i had korean dinner to celebrate Mother's Day and my mom just love it because the food there it's all about P.O.R.K. My whole family is babi lover so yeah..we love having korean bbq =) and a lot of soju too...tsk tsk tsk.

Dear Mommy,

I know i'm always being so rebellious and we often quarrel..but i'll still love you no matter wert because when i fall, you were the one who lift me up *although in the process it's all about nagging* I used to cry whenever you're not around for work or holiday because i just miss u so much..and i can't afford to imagine my life without you...I'm sorry that I can't be your ideal daughter but i promise that i won't give up trying to be a better daughter....I LOVE YOU <3

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